Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Baby time!

I am having midlife baby angst.  Not a lot, just a little.  I am staying very busy so I can drown out that rotten biological clock.  It keeps telling me that one more would be a neat idea.


I have two already and they are near grown.  So I don't need to have another child. 

However, drawing them is very therapeutic. 

Here I am!

Decided that what I needed was a main post to dig into and put all the things I'd like to share that aren't so specific.  A place where I am me without a specific goal in mind. 

This is my first experience with blogspot and I am liking it.  Decided that even though I have a paid Livejournal account, messing with the mutlilayered CSS just in order to customize it a little was NOT worth the hassle.  And none of the myriad preset styles suited me.  So I popped over here.